Photography Policy
Protection Policy
(Protection of Young Athletes)
1. Introduction
Photography of young athletes at ONEDOJO or associated events is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998 regarding the rights of individuals to have information of a personal nature treated in an appropriate manner and the Human Rights Act 1998, protecting the privacy of individuals and families. As well as these statutory rights, restrictions on photography arise from issues of child protection.
‘Photography’ includes photographic prints and transparencies, video, film and digital imaging.
‘Events’ means any function, meeting, training session or competition of any nature, whether organised or supported or sponsored by ONEDOJO or their Association members by any means whatsoever, wherever children or young people are the responsibility of ONEDOJO, there staff or members or their Associations staff or members.
‘Parent’ means any person with parental rights and responsibility in relation to a child or young person.
This document is intended to:
· Facilitate photography for the business purposes of ONEDOJO.
· Respect the rights of the individual.
· Safeguard and protect children and young persons.
· Allow personal family photography wherever possible.
ONEDOJO makes it clear that it recognises the issues of child protection and personal privacy. A Child Protection policy aimed at safeguarding children exists and is accessible from ONEDOJO website
Sensitivity is as important in dealing with photography as it is in processing any other data. Court cases have occurred because of the inappropriate use of photographs.
Within the ONEDOJO Child Protection policy there are guidelines and procedures regarding the use of photography. This includes the use of mobile camera phones, during such events as aforementioned, by competitors and athletes in view of the risks inherent in such use, possibly but not necessarily covert, which include the existence and/or distribution of photographs contrary to the wishes, welfare and privacy of others.
Photography by ONEDOJO Staff
The business of ONEDOJO can involve ONEDOJO staff in the photography of children and young persons in relation to:
· Administration (ID badges etc)
· Coaching and training aid
· Advertising, Publicity and Promotional works.
Copyright and the use of this photography is carefully controlled by ONEDOJO and is retained safely by ONEDOJO or issued to the child or young person concerned or safeguarded by an officer of ONEDOJO.
Photography held by ONEDOJO must be annotated with the date on which they were taken and stored securely. They should not be normally used other than for their original purpose unless permission of the subject is obtained.
Photographs must be destroyed or deleted from databases once they are no longer required for the purposes in which they were taken. A photograph taken for identification purposes may be retained for several years but should not be retained when replaced or expired. Photographs taken for publicity and promotional purposes should be retained for a maximum of two years. Photographs contributing to the history of ONEDOJO, its members and activities and the community may be retained indefinitely.
Photographs by other Authorised Agencies
The involvement of other agencies may only be authorised by ONEDOJO. Other agencies might include:
· Commercial photographers commissioned by ONEDOJO. Copyright rests with the photographer.
· The press and other media. Copyright rests with the photographer.
· Officers of ONEDOJO. Copyright rests with ONEDOJO.
The purpose of the photography must be explained to the parents of the child and or the young person themselves if over the age of 16years and written permission sought on each and every occasion. No Child or young person should be subjected to any photography unless written permission has obtained.
Parents should be made aware that where team or group photography is taken by a commercial agency the photographer retains the copyright. Parents therefore must be given details of the agency used.
An identification band will be issued and must be worn at all times and separate identification carried, by the agency personnel at all times, on the date of the event. Failure to do so may lead to the authority being withdrawn and expulsion from the event The identification band is non-transferable.
Parental Photography
Parental photography forms an enduring part of each family’s record of their child’s progress, celebration of success and achievement, as well as being an established social practice.
Where practical, arrangements should allow photography to be taken by parents and others attending such events. Photography will not be permitted where the smooth running event and/or health and safety of persons is or may be compromised
A pro-forma (appendix 1) shall be issued to parents and young persons upon first registration to ONEDOJO Team or Squad status and renewed annually detailing their permission/non permission for ONEDOJO Staff, Authorised Agencies and Parental photography purposes.
Parental photography must not include any child or young person whose parent has refused permission for any reason. This may mean offering photography opportunities before or after the event for those who wish to be involved. Parental photography is secondary to the main aims and purposes of events and must not be allowed to interfere with the opportunities for the child or young person to participate.
An identification band will be issued and must be worn at all times and separate identification carried, by the applicant at all times, on the date of the event. Failure to do so may lead to the authority being withdrawn and expulsion from the event
The identification band is non-transferable.
Commercial copyright in a performance will normally exclude any audio or video recording by the public (other than by ONEDOJO for internal purposes) and for those events parents and their guests, and spectators must be informed that the infringement of copyright is strictly forbidden.
Spectator Photography
Any person requesting to take photography at any ONEDOJO or Associated event, as a spectator shall only do with the permission of ONEDOJO having completed the required application form and is on a per-event basis and returned it together with the stated fee within the specified time. (Appendix 2),
Identification will be required to process the application. ONEDOJO reserves the right to refuse any application without reason being given.
The identification band if issued must be worn at all times and separate identification carried, by the applicant on the date of the event. Failure to do so may lead to the authority being withdrawn and expulsion from the event
The identification band is non-transferable.
Parental Consent Form for the use of photography of children and young persons
Children and young persons are photographed in connection with ONEDOJO:
· Administration (ID badges etc)
· Coaching and training aids
· Advertising, Publicity and Promotional works.
Parental photography forms an enduring part of each family’s record of their child’s progress, celebration of success and achievement, as well as being an established social practice.
We require on a per event basis your permission for photography to be taken.
‘Photography’ includes photographic prints and transparencies, video, film and digital imaging. ‘Events’ means any function, meeting, training session or competition of any nature, whether organised or supported or sponsored by ONEDOJO or their Association members by any means whatsoever, wherever children or young people are the responsibility of ONEDOJO, there staff or members or their Associations staff or members.
I give permission for photography of my child to be taken.
(Child’s name): {name}
Signed: (Parent/Guardian)
Date: {sign_date}